快樂十訣 How To Be Happy 1. Give something away (no strings 太平洋房屋attached). 給出某些東西(無條件)2. Do a kindness (and forget it) 做些善系統傢俱事(然後忘記它)3. Spend time with the aged. 花時間陪老年人。4. Look 婚禮顧問intently into the face of a baby. 凝視一個嬰孩的臉龐。5. Laugh often 租房子(it is Life's lubricant). 常常開懷大笑(那是人生的潤滑劑)6. Give 關鍵字排名thanks (1,000 times a day is not enough). 獻上感恩(一天一千次都不夠)7. 系統傢俱Pray (or you will lose the way). 禱告(以免人生方向模糊)8. Work (with 居酒屋vim and vigor). 工作(全力以赴)9. Plan as though you will live forever 酒店工作(you will). 做計劃就像你會永遠活著(你會的)10. Live as though you will 租房子die tomorrow (because you will die on some tomorrow). 過今天的日子就像租房子你明天就會死去(總有那一個明天)

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